Saturday 11 October 2014

You Deserve the Best

"... I finally understand my right to choose
My preacher man told me it could always be worse
Even the three-legged dog still got three good legs to lose
So you can stop and refresh the rules
Breathe in, breathe out, let it heal all your exit wounds
Something inside said that's the move
and maybe today, I'll start fresh and new."

These are the lyrics I woke up with this morning running through my mind. They're from the 'The Day' by The Roots.

You can listen to it here:

As always, when I wake up with lyrics in my head it means that my subconscious mind is trying to tell me something. It can be a song I haven't heard for many years, yet the lyrics are present when I open my eyes. They're loud and clear as if the song had been played to me in my sleep. My subconscious mind knows that I love music and it uses it as a tool to communicate with me, knowing farewell that I'll listen.

So what do these lyrics mean for me?

They act as a reminder that my feelings are there to be trusted. They act as a reminder that they're guiding me, free of charge, if only I invest in them my trust. My subconscious mind is telling me that it's using my feelings as a way to help me move forward. They can get me out of any rut that I face - and so far they have never once failed.

This time, they relate to an area in my life that has been nagging me for a couple of weeks. Now that I've been reminded of "my right to choose" I know that I only have to be in that situation for as long as I choose to be.

And that's massively empowering, especially when I've been assuming that there's no way out.

I asked myself a simple question: If I was to die within the next two days, do I want to be feeling like this for the rest of my life?

The obvious answer was a very blunt no.

So I did something about it.

I urge you to trust that which is innate within you.

It deserves your attention and trust.

And you deserve it's guidance and assurance.

Learn to listen and distinguish the difference between your head and your heart.

Your head will tell you, with a voice soaked in fear, that something can't be done, and will even come up with reasons to back it up.

If you listen to this voice and give it time and attention, life will present you with evidence (undesirable circumstances, difficult situations) that this voice was the gospel truth.

And with conviction you will say to yourself and others, 'You see... I told you life was hard. I told you that nothing good ever happens to me.'

You might even be labelled unlucky or unfortunate by some, and there will be a part of you that kind of likes that because it proves that you were right.

And who doesn't like being right about their own life?

As long as you maintain this pattern of mental behaviour, you will see evidence for it in your life.

Yet it's all down to how you managed your attention.

The inner, that which is unseen, is reflected on the outer, which is seen... the outer being a manifested state of the inner.

Plant the seed of a rose and only a fool expects an apple tree to spring forth from the soil.

Your heart, on the other hand, will cradle your head and tell it not to worry, that everything is going to be OK. Your heart, with a soothing voice, will say, 'Trust in me. I am the way.'

If it sounds a bit like God to you, it's because it is.

It's because you are.

It is your I Am.

If that makes you feel a bit uncomfortable, then change the three lettered word with a word like Life

They're two fingers pointing at the same star.

Your heart beats to the rhythm of the entire universe. 

It deserves your respect. 

Feelings of fear (not to be confused with nervousness or mild anxiety) - those that come with a certain heaviness to them - spring from your head and are due to a lack of trust and, ultimately, ignorance.

These thoughts should not be given a second one.

Feelings of warmth and hope - those that come with a certain lightness to them - those that 'feel right', come from your heart; a deeper part of yourself that knows you and knows what is best for you.

For these thoughts and feelings, there is no such thing as too much attention.

You deserve the best.

Change your thoughts and expectations to those that make you feel safe and reassuring.

You deserve the best.

Change your thoughts and expectations to those that put a smile on your heart - it can be sensed by others.

You deserve the best.

Change your thoughts and expectations to those that help you perceive others in a loving light.

You deserve the best.

Change your thoughts and expectations to those that fill you with hope and inspiration.

You deserve the best.

Change your thoughts and expectations to those that help you see every moment as a reason to celebrate.

You deserve the best.

Change your thoughts and expectations to those that fill you with love; first for yourself and then for others - this is not being selfish.

You deserve the best.

Change your thoughts and expectations to those that give you energy, enthusiasm and a burning passion for living.

You deserve the best.

Change your thoughts and expectations to truly exercise your free will.

You deserve the best.

You really do.

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