Tuesday 4 April 2017

300 Words a Day - #3 - Disappointments

What do you do with disappointment?

Do you allow yourself to be overcome by it, leading to a bout of despair and helplessness, or do you (can you) separate yourself from it, giving you and it space to breathe?

I've had a sting of disappointment recently.

It was my own fault.

I had expectations, and they weren't met.


Why do we have them? They are based on a process that's forever flowing; never stationary.

That’s not safe, nor wise.

Life is forever in flux.

It’s like a tree investing its happiness in summer.

Oh, look… what’s that?

A falling leaf.

Sorry, tree. You were foolish enough to expect summer to grant you forever-lasting happiness.

Trying to find happiness in thinking is just as futile. 

Thoughts come and go, like clouds in the sky, and we only have ourselves to blame when they disappear with the wind.

The mind will do all that the mind does, and it’s up to us to let it.

Stand in its way, and good luck to you.

Resistance is suffering.

It’s laughable when we get all down in the dumps because life didn’t unfold the way we wanted it to.

Who is this we, this I?

The more I go looking, the more I come back empty-handed.

And yet, when expectations aren’t met, I say, “I am disappointed” not, “there is disappointment.”

No room to breathe.

Every time I experience bliss - and I mean true, blissful, present alertness, where everything that is is unconditional love - God - guess who’s absent…


No more individual me. 

No more misidentifying with what isn’t. 

Therefore, my suffering must start with me.

That is, with the thought of I.

Identification with the mind, with thought, is the root cause of suffering.

That’s it.

Identification with what isn’t.



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